Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Polish Visit

Hi Czech and Swedish Students and Teachers!

The spring is coming. It's getting warmer and warmer. It reminds us that we will be a host of the last Bread mobility. We are expecting you at the airport Krakow/ Katowice and railway station Zebrzydowice on Friday, 29.05. We are wondering if you have already booked your tickets. You are going to stay in Poland until Wednesday, 03.06, aren't you?

Friday, 20 March 2009

Send a poscard!

Dear pupils, students and teachers,
The Czech National Agency invites you to send a Postcard to Comenius! The collection and exhibition
of postcards from all over Europe will be part of the Comenius Week 2009.
The European programme for school education was named after the Czech teacher, scientist, educator, bishop of the Unity of Brethren and writer Jan Amos Komenský (John Amos Comenius 1592-1670). He became known as the teacher of nations and is often considered the father of modern education. 28 March, his birthday, is celebrated as Teachers' Day in the Czech Republic.
Comenius suggested that the school experience should be as pleasant as possible and that teachers make use of play in teaching children. Let's play together and be creative!
Please send your postcard to Comenius with a short message about your Comenius/eTwinning project experience to the Czech National Agency. What do you like about European school projects? What did you learn about your partner countries? Have you found new friends? Has something changed in your school life?
Please write in your mother tongue and/or in English. Don't forget to add your full school address (including your country).
Design your postcard yourselves. You can draw a picture or use a photo; you can use the computer or make a collage. Think of the best way to illustrate your message.
What will happen with your postcard? All postcards will be presented in an exhibition during a
conference on the Lifelong Learning Programme in Prague on 6-7 May 2009. The most creative ones will be presented on the Internet or used for future publications on Comenius and eTwinning activities.
And you and your school will participate in a lottery! One school from each country will receive a small prize. The school will be selected randomly and it will depend entirely on luck and chance.
Size of the postcard: min. A6 - max. A4; for electronic version: max. 2MB, format gif or png You can send only one postcard which will represent your school. You can send it either via mail to the Czech National Agency address or via electronic mail postcard@naep.cz.
Please send us your postcard by 10 April 2009.
We are looking forward to receiving your postcards.
Czech National Agency

Národní agentura pro evropské vzdělávací
Senovážné náměstí 24
116 47 Praha 1
Česká republika

Sunday, 15 March 2009

A Slice of Bread in a faraway country

A visit to Korczak school in Jerusalem and a slice of bread.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

A visit to Yad Vashem
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צור בלוג היכנס
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