Tuesday, 13 October 2009

European Share Treasure

At the bottom of a very long list you can find a description of our project.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Photos from June school events in Dub nad Moravou

June 2009 was a busy month in our school. Not only the project meeting in Poland but many other events took place. We would like to show you some photos here.

Regional aerobic competition organized by our school.

Field trip for 4th and 5th grades.

Theatre performance for a primary level.

Final meeting of all students, teachers and representatives of local authorities on the last school day.

Going to EDEN...

Základní škola Dub nad Moravou, Czech republic, was given the invitation to Virtual Eden! Our National agency for LLP, Prague, published the list of approved school projects for 2009 - 2011 and we are among them. We are looking forward to cooperate with old and new partners.
We hope to share our joint experience gained through A Slice of Bread Comenius project and learn lots of new things together and from each other.

Looking back at Polish project meeting

Czech students wrote comments about their Polish experience. Now, when closing our project, it can be pleasant to share them with Polish and Swedish students and teachers.

So, what we all agreed on?

It was a great experience....

The best school event ever....

I am so happy I took part....

What a pity it was so short....

I will remember these days forever....

I found out I am good at English....

We learnt so many new things....

I will visit my new friends next year....

We will meet on Facebook....

Now I know my school mates better than before....

Poland is a perfect country....

Dear friends, it was really great working with you and meeting you. Today we know we are going to continue with a new Comenius, so let´s say SEE YOU SOON instead od Farewell!!!

Thursday, 9 July 2009


We started with a slice of bread two years ago. Today three of us are in the Virtual EDEN.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Tuesday, 30 June 2009


I have no idea why I am writing in Hindu

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Friday, 19 June 2009

Parents' meeting

0n 17 June 2009 Parents of children who visited our partner schools were invited to the last meeting of the project. It was an opportunity to share their experience concerning foreign students. The coordinator of the project expressed her gratitude for taking care of the guests. A mobility survey shows that the majority of foreign students like Polish food: “It was delicious, many different things.”, “I love it!”, “Very good food.”, “ …They are very good cooks. I like their food.”, “It was different. Some things I like and some things I didn’t like.”. All students enjoyed their staying with the host families: “Very friendly, really did take care of me!” “They were so nice to me!’ “They were great!”. Most students liked the programme of the visit: “The program was very good.”, “I like it so much!”, “It was a good experience to see the Polish life style.”, “It was awesome=>OK.”, “It was nice to be here”. In our guests’ eyes the Polish school: “…is like Czech school but bigger.”, “It was nice but too empty (could be because there were no students)”, “ It was different but it was nice with art on the walls.”, “I don’t like schools, but Polish school is OK.”. The English test, which was taken by the Comenius international group on the 1st June seemed to be a piece of cake. Very few students expected to fail it. In fact, all students received famous Polish sweets called “krówki”. According to the survey, all students would like to participate in the next Comenius project.
The Czech and Swedish Students – thank you for your nice comments!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

A lazy afternoon in a Polish garden

I am not a hen but a little red one, too.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Lazy afternoon in a Czech yard with Little Red Hen and her friends.

Turkeys were showing off how big they can be.....

Little Red Hen was looking after her chicks.....

Small kittens were playing and trying to become friends with an old tom-cat.....

Friday, 12 June 2009

Ecology Lesson

Tuesday, 2nd June 2009, 08:00
Today we had a biology lesson but we were not in the school building. Our lesson took place in a special centre. Inhabitants of the city of Jastrzębie Zdrój are provided with fresh water which is delivered to their households from the Czech sources high in the mountains. The modern sewage farm and its Education Centre for Ecology in Jastrzębie was built with the help of the European Union fund. During the lecture which was translated for our guests by Ms. Justyna Świercz, our English teacher, we found out a lot of water circulation in the environment and a serious problem of nitrate pollution. We could see how huge modern facilities and invisible bacteria work to make dirty, polluted water clean enough for beavers to live in it.
A comic which was a gift from the Center made the lesson more memorable and funny.

Polish Visit in our photos

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

International polonaise in Jastrzebie.

Students from Polish 9th grade showed us their traditional dance but not only that! Czech and Swedish visitors were invited to learn a piece of POLONAISE. The teachers helped them with basic steps and you can see the result of the students´ effort in a short video.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Too busy

Based on a folk tale and using a variety of languages, pupils wrote, illustrated, and performed their own stories; they published projects on the Internet using Blogs, Photostory, and Podcasting.

Readers and Listeners

Cała Polska – i nie tylko - czyta dzieciom…

Hobby pani Zosi

"All of Poland Reads to Kids"

The Application Form: "Based on a folk tale and using a variety of languages, pupils wrote, illustrated, and performed their own stories; they published projects on the Internet using Blogs, Photostory, and Podcasting."

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Public Library

VIII Ogólnopolski Tydzień Czytania Dzieciom

1 - 7 czerwca 2009

Mrs. Elżbieta Krajewska is a librarian in Public Municipal Library Branch No 16 which is situated in our school. This week is very special and more readers visit the library not only to borrow a book but also to listen to it. Yesterday, on June 1st, the reading campaign started. It is called "All of Poland Reads to Kids". “ABCXXI - All of Poland Reads to Kids Foundation” has prepared a very special 23-volume collection of books for children. As they say that, “If we wish to live in a country of wise, honest and cultured people, let’s ensure that reading aloud every day becomes a priority in our homes, as well as in the kindergartens and schools our children attend.”
In each library all over Poland celebrities and common people read books to kids. Our library had unusual guests and a book. The book was written by Polish, Czech and Swedish children. They handed the book down to the Librarian to be included into the huge book collection. Applying for a Comenius grant we declared that our project will help pupils develop linguistic competencies, promote intercultural awareness and prepare students for their future as adult members of the European community. This has just happened. When we came to the library with our book “The Little Red Hen”, we saw the reading room full of small kids. They came from the nearby preschool. They didn’t expect to have such extraordinary lectors. Paulina from Sweden, Radka from the Czech Republic and Eva from Poland read to them about hardworking Hen and her lazy friends. It was very easy to understand the Polish girl. They could partially understand the Czech language. But the Swedish one was a total puzzle. One five-year-old suspected that it was Chinese! Kids were so excited that after having returned to their classes they began to draw their illustrations.

Join the campaign
All of Poland Reads to Kids
and encourage others!


School Library_1

Mrs. Anna Koprowska is our school librarian. On 29th May she organized the Bread Contest. Everybody could take part in it. After two years of talking about “A Slice of Bread” it was a piece of cake to win a very nice prize.
Konkurs o chlebie

Cele konkursu:

• poszerzenie i utrwalenie wiadomości związanych z tematem chleba,

• budzenie zainteresowań czytelniczych,

Regulamin konkursu

Biblioteka szkolna organizuje konkurs „Od ziarenka do bochenka”.

Warunki konkursu:

• w konkursie może wziąć udział każdy uczeń szkoły podstawowej
• konkurs odbędzie się w bibliotece szkolnej w dniu 29 maja 2009 o godzinie 9.00
• uczestnictwo w konkursie należy zgłosić do dnia 28 maja w bibliotece szkolnej
• uczestnicy przynoszą własne przybory do pisania
• ogłoszenie wyników nastąpi 2 czerwca 2009
• laureaci zostaną nagrodzeni dyplomami i nagrodami

Konkurs o chlebie „Od ziarenka do bochenka”
Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. Za każde odgadnięte hasło można uzyskać 1 punkt, dodatkowo 2 punkty za hasło powstałe z rozwiązania krzyżówki.

Pieczemy pieczywo w …
Z wyrośniętego ciasta formujemy …
Rolnik obsiewa …
Kto pracuje w piekarni?…
Z mąki pszennej powstaje …

Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź można otrzymać 1 punkt.


1. Podaj podstawowe składniki chleba - …………………………………………………..

2. Z jakich zbóż można robić mąkę ? (2 przykłady) - ………………………………………

3. Kto pierwszy (jaki naród) zastosował drożdże do spulchniania chleba? - ………

4. Czy opłatek to chleb?....................................

5. Jak nazywa się naczynie, w którym zarabia się ciasto na chleb? - ……………………………..

6. Które zboże człowiek uprawiał wcześniej - pszenicę czy żyto? - …………………………

7. Gdzie miele się ziarno na chleb?...........................................

8. Jak nazywało się urządzenie do mielenia ziarna, składające się z kamiennych kół? …………………………………………

9. Jak nazywało się pierwotne narzędzie do kopania ziemi? …………………………

10. Jak nazywało się pierwotne narzędzie do koszenia zboża? - ……………………

11. Do czego służyły cepy? - …………………………

12. Wymień 3 gatunki chleba - ………………

13. Co robi młynarz?.............................

14. Czym się wita u nas specjalnych gości? - …………

15. Kto robi chleb? ..........................


Presentation of photos from Project meeting in Poland

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Little Red HEN and her Guests

Swedish Teachers

Mrs. Caroline Elnéus, the Swedish coordinator of the project and Ann-Christin Johansson, the English teacher became our best friends. It’s a pleasure to collaborate with them.

Headteachers and Teachers

After a few meetings the atmosphere is friendly and pleasant. Headteachers s. dr Teresa Zegzuła and Miluše Šišková are exchanging gifts.
The other teachers who accompanied Mrs. Ivana Buchtová the Czech coordinator of the project, are Mrs. Hana Kremplová, the Art teacher and Mrs. Václava Matulová. Mrs. Matulová is a special guest invited by Mrs. Maria Pacan and Mrs. Agata Mizera-Kulas to see how the youngest children work and play in our school.

June 1st, Children's Day

Monday started as usual - with a test! You can never trust your teacher! Every opportunity is good for them to check our English! Luckily we were allowed to write only the names of our countries and age instead of names. And sweets - “krówki” were so delicious as a prize for everybody.

The Royal City Krakow _2