Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Rehearsal - Little Red Hen

These pictures are taken when we are practise on the little red hen theatre. I am Paulina and I am playing the baker in the show. I am fourteen years old and go my seventh year in school. We are going to show the theatre for the children that are five years old and next school year they are going to begin school. When we didn’t find the right costumes for the theatre, we had to write it different, the cat become a rabbit and the pig become a frog, that my best friend play. We are just girls in the play that are acting and we are all from the same class. We are nine girls in our class and it is eight of us that are playing in the theatre.
It is very fun to play theatre and it is fun to just hang out together. The teachers have helped us very much, they have given us time to practise and also a little room in the basement where we can practise alone.We are also going to try starting a conversation with the children so they also can be a part of this project.


Danuta said...

Bravo! We'd like to see LRH here in Poland!

Unknown said...

Felicia you change your hair ! It suits you ;)