Monday 21 July 2008

František´s diary - Wednesday

Wednesday 21st May

After breakfast we all went to Torsas school. We had a lesson about Home economics first. A male teacher told us about healthy food, vegetables ans things like this. Then we baked some swedish cakes called buns. I met two girls and we were baking together. Their names were Alexandra and Elizabeth. They were both 16 years old. I talked with them about things that I normally can´t talk about with any other person excerpt my twin brother! I mean mainly history.

After baking we went over Torsas school. This school has much more modern equipment than our school in Dub, especially their Music room! Then we had lunch at a school dining room. The lunch was delicious and I can say Swedish meals are good and healthy. Then we arrived to an island near town of Dalskär. We had a good time and I spoke with Elizabeth and Alexandra about Sweden, nature and history. I asked them and they answered me patiently.

Then I went to the forest with Justin. I talked with her and was surprised when I realised that all swedish pupils call their teachers by first names. After the walk we came back and we had a dinner.

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