Saturday 19 April 2008

Wild animals

In Sweden we have a lot of wild animals but they live in different places in Sweden. In the south we mostly have roe deer, wild pigs and the moose that is the king of the Swedish forest. We have rabbits, foxes and a lot of small animals. In north Sweden we have bears, wolves and lynxes. Up there are many moose and some hunters from south Sweden go there to hunt because the moose is much bigger in the north. All the animals I have mentioned do we hunt but not all the time. In the autumn and winter are you allowed to hunt the moose and roe deer. You can hunt foxes in the summer. But some animals are you not allowed to hunt because there are not so many of them left, like the wolverine that got protected in 1969. Most of our animals are nice and don’t hurt anyone. But there are some animals that can hurt you really bad like the viper that is a poisonous snake, but there are not many left. They are nearly exterminated. And some animals can get angry and attack you if they feel threatened such as wild pigs, bears, wolves and even moose especially bears because they have such a temperament. These are some of the Swedish animals. My favorite is the moose because it is nice and its meat is very good.

Malin B

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